Thread subject: muscapaul's PHP-Fusion website :: Automatic daily newsletter for news...

Posted by hehmt on 14-05-2009 14:49


your newsletter infusion is great and it works,

but i wonder if it is possible to make the newsletter when
someone subscribe to the newsletter, he gets the latest from news

and that to be automatic and when user is subscribing he can choose from latest from news , software ,games ,etc...with radiobutton and also to choose to reseive it daily , weekly ,montly ,something like daily newsletter,i will be very
greatfull if you advise me how to do that.

Thank you very much in advance.

Notice: Undefined index: post_edituser in /home/muscapal/public_html/print.php on line 147
Edited by hehmt on 14-05-2009 16:48