New version: 1.04
Changes in v1.04:
- Updated modified core files ../forum/options.php, ../forum/postnewthread.php and ../forum/viewthread.php after PHP-Fusion core update to v7.00.05.
- Corrected bug in ../forum/options.php that prevented threads to be deleted from the table logging thread creation, resulting in an error message after deleting threads and possibly also in erroneous enforcement of limits.
Upgrading from versions earlier than v1.03:
Upgrade to v1.03 as described above in this thread.
Upgrading from v1.03:
Upgrade by uploading the contents of the files and changed-files folders to the root of your PHP-Fusion installation. If you had already modified any of the files in the chnaged-files folder, perform the modification manually by following the readme file.
DOWNLOAD (last version: 15.01.2009)