Thread subject: muscapaul's PHP-Fusion website :: Terms Infusion v1.xx

Posted by muscapaul on 17-05-2006 11:45

In the next version:
* Bug fix: Options for number of items to be displayed and for synonym display ported to the next page when using page navigation.
* Three different infusion files are prepared for different kinds of infusion: Glossary, Dictionary of Default (or rather no choice yet made between the former two), each has a separate locale folder. Modes can be switched in the General Settings of the infusion and correct locale will be used.
* Access management using usergroups rather than just admin levels.
* Option for complete, alphabetically sorted list without category indication (in particular for the Glossary part).
* Only the settings applicable ta a particular are visible in the General Settings panel (so no translation settings visible in Glossary mode).
* Some further improvement in navigation of synonymic terms.

* Give instructions for using tags (modding of maincore.php to get the tags parsed and modding of other files to create the code buttons).
* Introduce some for of image management.
* Introduce second type of synonym, to cater for the same term having two different meanings (homonym).

Notice: Undefined index: post_edituser in /home/muscapal/public_html/print.php on line 147
Edited by muscapaul on 27-05-2006 14:12