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Forum Threads Limiter
removed from danish locale
$locale['FLIM104'] = "0.21";

$locale['FLIM220'] = "Global i Forummet per Bruger";
$locale['FLIM221'] = "Begr?ns";
$locale['FLIM222'] = "Ingen Global Begr?nsning";
$locale['FLIM223'] = "Begr?ns Threads only";
$locale['FLIM224'] = "Begr?ns alle Posts";
$locale['FLIM225'] = "Maximum antal posts pr. Bruger tilladt";
$locale['FLIM226'] = "S?rlige Forums";
$locale['FLIM227'] = "Ingen Forum Begr?nsninger sat";
$locale['FLIM228'] = "Set Global Forum begr?nsning";

$locale['FLIM305'] = "Antallet af Posts, du indtastede, er ikke gyldig! Indtast et helt tal.";
$locale['FLIM306'] = "N?r du begr?nser antallet af tr?de eller Posts, skal du angive et maksimalt antal Posts og en begraenset periode.";

$locale['FLIM402'] = " Ingen nye Indl?g tilladt i ?jeblikket";
W3C_Valid attached the following file:
If i have touched it, it's W3C Valid
Download updated. Thx.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: www.diptera.info (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Nice to see you updated this for Fusion 7, Nice one - I need to arrange a donation for you Paul, I'll be installing this when i get the chance.

Does it have thread limitation? Such has "You cannot post less than 100 characters"
No, that is something completely different alltogether. This is a numbers of threads/posts.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: www.diptera.info (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: 1.01

Changes in v1.01:
- Bug corrected: User could not even post replies in limited threads for the period that he was not allowed to create new threads in the forum.

Update from v1.00 by uploading the contents of the files folder and the new version of ../forum/viewthread.php from the changed-files folder. If you had already modified the latter file, perform the modification manually by following the readme file. The only change from the previous version is for the code located near line 166 in the original viewthread.php file.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 23.09.2008)
Edited by muscapaul on 23-09-2008 12:18

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: www.diptera.info (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: 1.02

Changes in v1.02:
- Bug corrected: Code that changed forum number in thread limiter table when moving threads was not yet updated for v7.
- Minor bug corrected: Removing the cause of an error message in ../forum/viewthread.php that did not influence functionality.

Update from v1.01 by uploading the contents of the files folder and the new version of ../forum/options.php from the changed-files folder. If you had already modified the latter file, perform the modification manually by following the readme file.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 06.10.2008)
Edited by muscapaul on 25-10-2008 14:01

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: www.diptera.info (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: 1.03

Changes in v1.03:
- Bug fixed: The variable thread_id to delete a thread from the forum_thread_creation table was not passed correctly.
- Error fixed: Upgrade script was faulty for updating the admin rights in the admin table. If you experience any problems related to admin rights, please run the code as given in the forum on http://www.muscap...read_id=38.

Update from v1.02 by uploading the contents of the files folder and the new version of ../forum/options.php from the changed-files folder. If you had already modified the latter file, perform the modification manually by following the readme file.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 26.10.2008)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: www.diptera.info (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: 1.04

Changes in v1.04:
- Updated modified core files ../forum/options.php, ../forum/postnewthread.php and ../forum/viewthread.php after PHP-Fusion core update to v7.00.05.
- Corrected bug in ../forum/options.php that prevented threads to be deleted from the table logging thread creation, resulting in an error message after deleting threads and possibly also in erroneous enforcement of limits.

Upgrading from versions earlier than v1.03:
Upgrade to v1.03 as described above in this thread.

Upgrading from v1.03:
Upgrade by uploading the contents of the files and changed-files folders to the root of your PHP-Fusion installation. If you had already modified any of the files in the chnaged-files folder, perform the modification manually by following the readme file.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 15.01.2009)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: www.diptera.info (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
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01/12/2021 16:45
Szép napot

13/06/2021 07:01
I found this site again!

21/04/2020 18:32

11/11/2013 00:48
Cool! This site is still around!

18/10/2013 20:28
hey! Smile

25/06/2011 01:40
My name is Andreo, I'm new member Smile

25/06/2011 01:39
Hello Muscapaul, is there anyone here ?

13/09/2010 01:02
nice mod thanks Smile

10/07/2010 15:01
Paul, hows thing?

07/07/2010 03:47
Who becomes the world champion on football? We wil

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