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· Total Members: 1,892
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Support sites |
Downloads: Infusions, Modifications and Panels (finished) |
Extended Profile v3.04 |
Infusions with modification that will allow you to add extra fields to the Profile page. Users will not be able to complete the fields while registring but can do that whene editing their Profile.
The extra fields are 'simple' fields and will not allow multiple lines or html code. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion 7.00.06+ |
Version: 3.04 |
Added: 16/12/2009 04:36 |
Downloads: 2665 |
Download (53 KB) |
User Threads List v2.02 |
Update the Member's Profile as shown in Admin Panel -> User Management ->Members and add links to pages with all threads created by the user or to all his posts. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00.06+ |
Version: v2.02 |
Added: 16/12/2009 04:33 |
Downloads: 2505 |
Download (26 KB) |
Terms Infusion v3.13 |
Infusion that will allow you to create a dictionary or glossary on your site. Words and terms are placed in a specific category and all terms for a particular category can be viewed separately. Access level can be set for separate categories.
Members can submit terms that can be approved by the admins.
After modification of core files is possible to mark words/terms/phrases added to the database with glossary tags. Marked items are linked to the relevant Terms page and hovering the mouse over the marking image gives a popup layer with the description of the item.
For each term it is possible to add comments. The ratings system can be enable if so wished.
See the forum for more information. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00.06+ |
Version: 3.13 |
Added: 16/12/2009 04:29 |
Downloads: 2577 |
Download (113 KB) |
Terms Infusion v3.12 |
Infusion that will allow you to create a dictionary or glossary on your site. Words and terms are placed in a specific category and all terms for a particular category can be viewed separately. Access level can be set for separate categories.
Members can submit terms that can be approved by the admins.
After modification of core files is possible to mark words/terms/phrases added to the database with glossary tags. Marked items are linked to the relevant Terms page and hovering the mouse over the marking image gives a popup layer with the description of the item.
For each term it is possible to add comments. The ratings system can be enable if so wished.
See the forum for more information. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00.05+ |
Version: 3.12 |
Added: 14/08/2009 21:40 |
Downloads: 2311 |
Download (113 KB) |
Open Newsletter Infusion v2.00 |
A system that will alow you to write newsletters, store them and send them. Newsletters can be sent in plain text or HTML formats.
Members and guests can add themselves to the subscribers list by clicking a link in the Newsletter Subscription Panel and can remove themselves in a similar fashion. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00+ |
Version: 2.00 |
Added: 03/07/2009 15:44 |
Downloads: 2811 |
Download (33 kB) |
Terms Infusion v3.11 |
Infusion that will allow you to create a dictionary or glossary on your site. Words and terms are placed in a specific category and all terms for a particular category can be viewed separately. Access level can be set for separate categories.
Members can submit terms that can be approved by the admins.
After modification of core files is possible to mark words/terms/phrases added to the database with glossary tags. Marked items are linked to the relevant Terms page and hovering the mouse over the marking image gives a popup layer with the description of the item.
For each term it is possible to add comments. The ratings system can be enable if so wished.
See the forum for more information. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00.05+ |
Version: 3.11 |
Added: 02/07/2009 11:53 |
Downloads: 2540 |
Download (104 KB) |
Newsletter Infusion v2.04 |
A system that will allow you to write newsletters, store them and send them. Newsletters can be sent in plain text or HTML formats.
Members can add themselves to the subscribers list by clicking a link in the Newsletter Subscription Panel and can remove themselves in a similar fashion. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00+ |
Version: 2.04 |
Added: 04/03/2009 13:01 |
Downloads: 2682 |
Download (45056 bytes) |
Newsletter Infusion v2.03 |
A system that will alow you to write newsletters, store them and send them. Newsletters can be sent in plain text or HTML formats.
Members can add themselves to the subscribers list by clicking a link in the Newsletter Subscription Panel and can remove themselves in a similar fashion. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00+ |
Version: 2.03 |
Added: 13/02/2009 14:50 |
Downloads: 2447 |
Download (37kB) |
Forum Threads Limiter v1.04 |
This infusion/mod will allow you to set three limits for forum posting:
1. a maximum number of threads for selected forums per period (multiples of 24 hours).
2. a maximum number of threads for single users in selected forums per period (multiples of 24 hours).
3. a maximum number of post/threads for single users in the whole forum per period (multiples of 24 hours).
The period is calculated on running time, so in the last 24 hours (or a multiple thereof). |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00.05+ |
Version: 1.04 |
Added: 15/01/2009 22:27 |
Downloads: 2457 |
Download (54kB) |
Forum - Accepting Code of Conduct v1.04 |
This infusion lets Members read and accept a Code of Conduct before they can post in the Forum (either replies or new threads) with the option to make Members read the Code of Conduct and accept it again after one month, three months or a year (default is one month).
* Option to disable the system without defusing it (enabled by default).
* Option to empty the table that holds the data of who accepted the Code of Conduct. This is useful, for example, when the Code of Conduct is updated and Members have to accept the new Code.
* The Code of Conduct is read from a separate text file that can easily be edited or exchanged for another. The txt file needs to be placed in the ../infusions/forum_coc folder and the name of the file needs be entered in the Settings Panel of the Infusion. A general example is given for the Code of Conduct but this should be updated for your site because every forum is unique. The default setting in the database is 'coc.txt' and an example file with that name is given in the ../infusions/forum_coc folder (exactly the same as the file example_coc.txt in the root of this folder).
* A link to the Forum - Code of Conduct is automatically added to the Navigation Panel. Members who have not yet accepted the code will automatically get the opportunity to accept it. Non-members will just see the Code. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00.05+ |
Version: 1.04 |
Added: 15/01/2009 22:26 |
Downloads: 2926 |
Download (37 KB) |
Terms Infusion v3.10 |
Infusion that will allow you to create a dictionary or glossary on your site. Words and terms are placed in a specific category and all terms for a particular category can be viewed separately. Access level can be set for separate categories.
Members can submit terms that can be approved by the admins.
After modification of core files is possible to mark words/terms/phrases added to the database with glossary tags. Marked items are linked to the relevant Terms page and hovering the mouse over the marking image gives a popup layer with the description of the item.
For each term it is possible to add comments. The ratings system can be enable if so wished.
See the forum for more information. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00.05+ |
Version: 3.10 |
Added: 15/01/2009 22:24 |
Downloads: 2766 |
Download (102 KB) |
Terms Infusion v3.09 |
Infusion that will allow you to create a dictionary or glossary on your site. Words and terms are placed in a specific category and all terms for a particular category can be viewed separately. Access level can be set for separate categories.
Members can submit terms that can be approved by the admins.
After modification of core files is possible to mark words/terms/phrases added to the database with glossary tags. Marked items are linked to the relevant Terms page and hovering the mouse over the marking image gives a popup layer with the description of the item.
For each term it is possible to add comments. The ratings system can be enable if so wished.
See the forum for more information. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00+ |
Version: 3.09 |
Added: 09/01/2009 01:25 |
Downloads: 2623 |
Download (102 KB) |
Forum - Accepting Code of Conduct v1.03 |
This infusion lets Members read and accept a Code of Conduct before they can post in the Forum (either replies or new threads) with the option to make Members read the Code of Conduct and accept it again after one month, three months or a year (default is one month).
* Option to disable the system without defusing it (enabled by default).
* Option to empty the table that holds the data of who accepted the Code of Conduct. This is useful, for example, when the Code of Conduct is updated and Members have to accept the new Code.
* The Code of Conduct is read from a separate text file that can easily be edited or exchanged for another. The txt file needs to be placed in the ../infusions/forum_coc folder and the name of the file needs be entered in the Settings Panel of the Infusion. A general example is given for the Code of Conduct but this should be updated for your site because every forum is unique. The default setting in the database is 'coc.txt' and an example file with that name is given in the ../infusions/forum_coc folder (exactly the same as the file example_coc.txt in the root of this folder).
* A link to the Forum - Code of Conduct is automatically added to the Navigation Panel. Members who have not yet accepted the code will automatically get the opportunity to accept it. Non-members will just see the Code. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00.+ |
Version: 1.03 |
Added: 12/12/2008 15:54 |
Downloads: 2646 |
Download (37 KB) |
Forum - Accepting Code of Conduct v1.02 |
This infusion lets Members read and accept a Code of Conduct before they can post in the Forum (either replies or new threads) with the option to make Members read the Code of Conduct and accept it again after one month, three months or a year (default is one month).
* Option to disable the system without defusing it (enabled by default).
* Option to empty the table that holds the data of who accepted the Code of Conduct. This is useful, for example, when the Code of Conduct is updated and Members have to accept the new Code.
* The Code of Conduct is read from a separate text file that can easily be edited or exchanged for another. The txt file needs to be placed in the ../infusions/forum_coc folder and the name of the file needs be entered in the Settings Panel of the Infusion. A general example is given for the Code of Conduct but this should be updated for your site because every forum is unique. The default setting in the database is 'coc.txt' and an example file with that name is given in the ../infusions/forum_coc folder (exactly the same as the file example_coc.txt in the root of this folder).
* A link to the Forum - Code of Conduct is automatically added to the Navigation Panel. Members who have not yet accepted the code will automatically get the opportunity to accept it. Non-members will just see the Code. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00.+ |
Version: 1.02 |
Added: 30/11/2008 13:36 |
Downloads: 2586 |
Download (37 KB) |
Forum - Accepting Code of Conduct v1.01 |
This infusion lets Members read and accept a Code of Conduct before they can post in the Forum (either replies or new threads) with the option to make Members read the Code of Conduct and accept it again after one month, three months or a year (default is one month).
* Option to disable the system without defusing it (enabled by default).
* Option to empty the table that holds the data of who accepted the Code of Conduct. This is useful, for example, when the Code of Conduct is updated and Members have to accept the new Code.
* The Code of Conduct is read from a separate text file that can easily be edited or exchanged for another. The txt file needs to be placed in the ../infusions/forum_coc folder and the name of the file needs be entered in the Settings Panel of the Infusion. A general example is given for the Code of Conduct but this should be updated for your site because every forum is unique. The default setting in the database is 'coc.txt' and an example file with that name is given in the ../infusions/forum_coc folder (exactly the same as the file example_coc.txt in the root of this folder).
* A link to the Forum - Code of Conduct is automatically added to the Navigation Panel. Members who have not yet accepted the code will automatically get the opportunity to accept it. Non-members will just see the Code. |
License: AGPL |
O/S: PHP-Fusion v7.00.+ |
Version: 1.01 |
Added: 30/10/2008 19:20 |
Downloads: 2603 |
Download (36 KB) |
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Temporary email addresses |
Please note: While activating new accounts I usually check them out. If I notice an account registered with a temporary email address it will be deleted. |
Newsletters are for registered members only. |
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